jeudi 30 décembre 2010

Still working on this project..

My work is (almost) based on the "Talk can be cheap by Larry Dighera, published in Computers & Electronics, Februari 1983" where can be found at :

I'm trying to do the same as the ASM code for the Z-80 with my arduino.
See below a more readable version of the asm code.
Z-80 PIO init  (not neeed)

Get bus state
wait until data is present (especially CNTL8 because by pressing ON, ON, GO. This leaves only the cursor on, which causes CNTL 8 to periodically go high)

Get bus state
wait until bus is clear ( CNTL8 goes Low )

Get chip select Up (CS) and reset word (0)
Clock (PDC)

Load address command (2)
Clock (PDC)

Nibble 1
Clock (PDC)

Nibble 2
Clock (PDC)

Nibble 3
Clock (PDC)

Nibble 4
Clock (PDC)

Nibble 5
Clock (PDC)

Read Rom Command (8)
Clock (PDC)

Speak Command (10)
Clock (PDC)

Busy Command (14)
Clock (PDC)

Reset Command
Clock (PDC)

Get Bus Status
Check Bit 0
if bit 0 not equal 0 then wait (bit 0 should be CNTL1 )

Reset command
Clock (PDC)

Turn Off  PIO(set Bus to 0 or High-Z)

the Rest of ASM code is not needed.

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